Vision of the future - Reflection on a school Makerspace Website
This brief reflection will explain the why for my digital artifact. I have enjoyed having the opportunity to learn practical digital tools that I have put off learning or have only briefly dabbled in for years. I already have plans to integrate these tools (blogging and website design) into my teaching next year. You can check out the Arbutus Makerspace Website I have created here but know that, even as I type, I have in mind updates, changes, additions and ideas to integrate into it. I believe the "why" for this website is as straightforward as this: there is nothing that can't be googled in our Makerspace. Nothing that a teacher can't find on the internet to show how or give inspiration. But the reality is, with so much choice and so many new kits and tools and projects, it is more likely that it will be too overwhelming and teachers will simply revert to what they know. My goal with this site, is to make it simple for teachers in our school to find what they need without having to search. I have begun with a relatively comprehensive page on how to use the Glowforge , a new and very exciting tool for creating amazing laser cut projects, but have also included the beginnings of other kits such as our Wind Turbine and other fun STEAM kits and tools. There is much to add, of course. The vision is to continue on, with the help of colleagues and students, as we have many more tools, projects and kits to include. I look forward to adding this Makerspace website link to our Library Learning Commons website and sharing it with my colleagues. Many have asked for help using the Glowforge and my idea is to create a How-To video to add to this site, specific to our own needs as a school. I would like to do the same with our 3D printer, LEGO Mindstorms, etc. All of these are currently underutilized (actually, completely unused is probably a better term) despite having them at our disposal. While I am not our school's TL, I will be working closely with her in the coming year to make these projects available to our staff and students, as I feel there is enormous value in giving students the opportunity to learn with their hands and create new and interesting projects that are supported by our teachers and our curriculum.
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