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Learning Log #4 - Module 11 - Beyond Library Walls: Working for Social Justice in the School Library

An Anti-Racist Toolkit for Teachers According to the British Columbia Ministry of Education (2014), digital literacy is defined as “the interest, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze and evaluate information, construct new knowledge, create and communicate with others”. Media literacy includes “being able to access media on a basic level, to analyze it in a critical way based on certain key concepts, to evaluate it based on that analysis and, finally, to produce media oneself.” MediaSmarts (2019) .   “ Critical literacy is concerned with the social and cultural contexts…it requires us to go beyond what we read on the page to consider the larger narrative in which a text is situated, asking questions about who created a text and why.” McNicol, S. (2016). Two years ago, as a middle school teacher, I had a group of students who were very vocal about their experiences as BIPOC and...

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